Our school has always been one to celebrate every shining star that it is blessed with and this is why this month's best teacher for the primary school category is the person of Miss Deborah Olubimo.

She is truly an exceptional teacher. The love that all of her pupils have for her is unparalleled. If you could get a seat and observe her at work, you would see how she attends to each child put in her care with utmost care and gentleness, like a nursing mother would her new born.

Congratulations, Miss Deborah. You definitely deserve this.



Next, we have one of the most enigmatic and charismatic women that Good Shepherd Schools, Hopetown, has been blessed with.

Did I hear someone say: "Another woman"?

Or, did you mean to say: "men"?

No. You heard right! Women!

The teacher of the month for the Secondary School, Hopetown Campus, is Mrs. Abioye.

An outstanding being if I do say so myself. She knows how to exude charisma in every step she takes. She's a government teacher and a counselor. She's very understanding and has absolutely zero tolerance for judging a person. She is what we like to call THE VIBEE.

She's simply an engaging, indefatigable, and riveting teacher.

Good Shepherd School Teacher of the Month Criteria

Teachers have long-lasting impacts on the lives of their students and the greatest teachers inspire students toward greatness. “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel” – Maya Angelou.

A great teacher is one a student remembers and cherishes forever.

Who Nominates?
The teacher of the month will be chosen by students, parents and fellow teachers. Every month class teams comprising of 5 students chosen at random from each class will be called up to nominate their favorite teacher along with prefects and parents.

The criteria for selection:

  1. Excellence in the Classroom- ability to engage students in class and consistently advance them to higher levels of academic achievement.

  2. Good Classroom Management Skills-establishing clear objectives for each lesson and working to meet those specific objectives during each class

  3. Motivation- having the ability to motivate and encourage students to advance past their expectations both academically and socially; helping students see potential in themselves.

  4. Leadership- driving positive change and development in classroom practices and student learning; leading students by example and inspiring them to lead.

  5. Care- actively caring for each student; making each student feel that they matter.

  6. Creativity- demonstrating creativity and imagination in their lesson plans and teaching methods that inspire students to learn.

  7. Dedication- showing excellent attendance, punctuality and a desire to see their students advance.

  8. Good Communication with Students, Colleagues and Parents outside Classroom– keeping parents informed of the all-round development of their children; connects with students and parents via phone, email, Facebook etc.