The road to success is always under construction. People clamor for success. What baffles me is that they keep on pressing and pushing for success without effecting any change in their style. Success doesn’t come that way! The successful recognize change as their greatest ally. Change is life. No one grows without change. It begins with the mind. Those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything. How do you correct your errors if you never change your thinking? When you keep defending your shortcomings, you are simply (and sadly too) admitting that you are not ready yet to quit them. Remaining what you are denies you becoming what you are destined to be.

Do not be afraid of change for without change, progress is mirage. Be receptive to new ideas and new innovations. After all yesterday’s formula for success always becomes tomorrow’s recipe for failure. Your thinking yesterday brought you to where you are today, but will not necessarily take you to where you want to go. Break pattern! Break traditions! This is the secret of generational achievers.